This comprehensive guide is perfect for you if you...
...have always wanted to create music but are unsure
how to begin
...have wanted to start making your own music for a while, but it feels too long, expensive, and overwhelming
...believe that you need a formal education (college or university) to create your own music
...think that making and promoting your music requires quitting your job and devoting all your time to it
...assume that creating music requires technical skills have a classical music education, but don’t know how to release your tracks in practice
...dream of making your own tracks, but don’t know how to play an instrument
...have never had anything to do with music, but it’s your passion and you’ve had melodies running through your head that you want to bring to life
Last but not least...
...have been postponing your dream for ages and have finally decided to get your act together and fulfill it
...believe that the music world is already full of successful artists, and breaking through to become well-known seems impossible